Safeguarding is our priority. Everybody understands their responsibility to keep children safe and are vigilant and ready to report any concerns they may have.

Each school has its own safeguarding policy which is reviewed annually along with the Section 157 audit. In addition the Trust commissions the LA to complete an external audit of the single central record every two years. A full safeguarding audit of the Trust and its' schools is carried out every three years by; an experienced senior social worker with school safeguarding experience at the systems level.

Each school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. They are supported by the Trust Safeguarding Leader. Each local governing body has a named safeguarding governor and the Trust board has a director responsible for safeguarding.

Staff receive regular safeguarding training and updates. We share and learn from national case reviews. School safeguarding leaders have regular supervision from trained and experienced staff. 

The Trust uses the Safeguard My School online platform across all schools to record safeguarding concerns and the action taken in response.

All schools have an electronic signing in system that ensures we know who is in the building and that they understand our safeguarding arrangements.

Children are taught how to keep themselves safe both in the real and virtual worlds during their computing and PSHE lessons. The Trust produces a termly Online Safety Newsletter to support parents to establish safe internet access for their children. The PSHE and RSE curriculum are also designed to teach children how to keep themselves safe.

Read our Safeguarding Policy Bellow:

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-25.docx.pdf

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